Monday, March 18, 2013

I refuse to learn anything else in China...until tomorrow...

~We have a winner...everybody loves a squiggly line, right?

~All bonding progress I thought we'd made was thrown out the window when Zane saw a Caucasian brunette on the tv and excitedly proclaimed, "Momma!" Hello, square's Eva...I'm back.

~Should've learned this one long before since this seems to be a common Eva-ism...when you see a shirt you really love that you've have never seen anything like before and is not very expensive, just BUY it. The universe only gives you one shot...said the girl who's gone back to the same store 4 times since that fateful day...closed, with the lights on, every time.

~Most people that know me well, know I have a bad gag reflex. You gag, I puke, I stink, I still gag...and so on. I even have a hard time watching messy eaters...I'll let you guess which one of my children I can barely stomach watching...But nothing comes close to this new little guy. He's an animal to start with :) ...then he's got the side cleft so the food's got a bigger opening to fall out of...then he couldn't care less if his mouth is COMPLETELY full when he adds more. Then of course, he smiles at you that awesome smile of his, and food starts oozing through his teeth. Ickers.

~You might think it's cute to let your 3 yr old play with the buttons on the hotel room safe...until he changes the security code...and you have to call in a staff member...who has to break open the safe to get you back in. Yea...not so cute anymore.

~I've apparently ruined bath time fun for Daddy forever when I got Zane to enjoy his bath tonight. I'm such a party pooper. I don't know...maybe he didn't like the soap and water being POURED DOWN HIS FACE!!! C'mon out the dads out do you get any kid to dig the little dip? Teach them to splash, of course! Duh.

~Zane very well may be a MMA fighter some when he turns 5. Oh Bryceeeeeee.......

~Because once again, the doctors in China are my BFF's, I had to crush up Zoe's meds today and divide each tiny capsule into 6 parts. Her dosage is 1/6 of a tablet twice a day. It wasn't just the irritation of having to do the pharmacist's job that was so stressful. It was the warning that it had to be precise because she could overdose. Wish I were kidding...but they seriously sent me home with that warning and refused to do it. I told Chris I felt like I was dealing crack. When he checked it, he said I'd make a good drug dealer. It's nice to have a back-up plan.

~Zoe got tired of watching Zane have all the fun and decided to start being silly today too. It was a beautiful change.

~I've learned that if you keep trying, your little engine just might walk on her own while holding your hand...even if just across the room...on day 8.

~When in doubt, just assume your babbling Chinese toddlers are just like your children when they first started jabbering...they think they're talking to you, but they really aren't. Just nod your head and keep saying, "yes...yes..." Eventually...they start using words you can understand. New plan seems to be working.

~The tune of J*sus Loves Me sounds the same in any language...and it's awesome when your carefree little man is singing it at the top of his lungs as you walk through the shopping mall.


  1. again, love the last one!
    i was going to mention to you that they do know J*sus loves me in chinese! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We've sung it together with our 2 sets of words! Still sounds beautiful! Zane was singing it full voice as we shopped in the was awesome


Another One Bites the Dust. Tonsils. It's Just Tonsils...For Now

  Welcome back to The Carr Ride. I mentioned the "bumpy roads" when you jumped in so I'm sure none of this will surprise you.....