Saturday, August 4, 2012

"If you thought that was cool, watch this!" -God

Beating a dead horse...preaching to the choir...however you describe it...that's what I've been doing. Rehashing the same, obvious issue over and over again.

This may shock'd best be sitting down...but I tend toward stubbornness. I know...I know...shock and awe...but try to focus...because maybe you need to be reminded, too.


That's it. No rocket science here...but something that's immensely more difficult to understand. We sure try. We try very hard to wrap our minds around this truth of God's sovereignty. But try as we might to grasp it, it remains just out of reach.

I really believe this is largely because we want...and need...God to fit inside the pretty little God-box we've designed especially for Him. We need this because then we can predict just what God's next move will be. We want this because we desperately hate the feeling that things are out of our own control. If He would just operate inside the God-box I made for Him, we'd all be happier...right?!?

Tell the truth. Who wants to give their lives for and follow a God that operates in "Eva-land"?!? Trust don't even want to visit that place...let alone, live there.

So why then, I ask you, do I wrestle against God being in control??? Simple. "smack-you-over-the-head-with-a-2x4" kind of stubborn. Just keep beating my head against the wall here.

And yet my compassionate Savior sends another gentle reminder of His goodness and grace...and sovereignty.  He doesn't shove it in my face...he just shows up with a sweet aroma or kind word...or long-awaited email.

"Congratulations! You've been pre-approved for C!"

5 Months after seeing her sweet face, she has been matched with our family...along with her best friend. This is actually happening. Of course, the road is still long but we've rounded the bend. God has accomplished what couldn't be done by man's standards. Of course He did...because He doesn't fit in my box. Sometimes my box is too pretty...occasionally it's too ugly...often too shaky...always too small.

Miracle after miracle. Is it wrong to expect them? I don't think so. I'm done being surprised by my God. I am even more convinced that He's purposefully directing my it up, as a matter of that others will see Him in the reflection.'s all completely and utterly under His control...

It's almost as if He's saying, "Watch out...I've got this."


  1. God is so good to give those hugs! Your adoption experience will definitely be "faith changing!"



Another One Bites the Dust. Tonsils. It's Just Tonsils...For Now

  Welcome back to The Carr Ride. I mentioned the "bumpy roads" when you jumped in so I'm sure none of this will surprise you.....