Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cha Cha, Chick-Fil-A, and Jesus

If you live in Facebook-land like the majority of the world, you probably know everything I'm going to throw at you in this post...but for the 3 of my friends who continue to rebel (you know who you are), I just wanted to jot down a few notes before that short-term memory really kicks in. Yes, I'm only talking about 2 days ago...yes, that means I'm already pushing the memory capacity at this point. (Some of you better take back what you just also know who you are...)

I briefly mentioned that Zoe and I were up at the U early Tuesday morning for her pre-op gunk. She did just fine and was mostly irritated that every human being that walked near  her wanted to "take a listen." She humored the first 100...then she started giving that "Are you kidding me?" attitude. We had to break out the graham crackers...remember, "TA DA!" Hahahahahaha...Renee's going to kill me for bringing that up again! Just remember...there are other things I've elected not to share...:)

The nurses decided to use numbing cream this time for her lab draw...yea...note to self: don't fix what ain't broke. She was screaming long before they stuck her from the tape-ripping-off ceremony. Nice. 

They also needed a urine sample. She's not potty-trained. You do the math. Let me just say, little miss soaks a diaper every hour or so at home. No joke...Ms. Diva stayed bone dry for over 4 hours with that contraption on...not gonna happen folks. The nurse and I even tried to catch some urine the old-fashioned way. "Comical" is the understatement of the year. We gave up on that...they finally gave up all together. Wise move, boys. 

The bonus pay-off was a trip to the reward trunk. She tossed around a bunch of junk until MaMa noticed the jackpot...a booklet of stickers...plethora is the word you're looking for. Initially, she covered herself...then she covered my arm...then the paper on her get the idea. STICKERS. BIG DEAL for Ms. Z.

She was still a whopping 20 lbs. with sats at 90-ish. Nothing monumental. I've already mentioned that we met her new surgeon and spent some time getting the plan laid out for the surgery. That was the biggest chunk of our visit.

It was a long we were more than grateful to leave the building, right along with Elvis, to go grab some lunch at good ol' Chick-Fil-A. This girl seriously likes her breaded chicken, and I've made a silent, yet understood, pact with CFA not to defile her taste buds with any wanna-be impostors. Parents mold young minds. I'm committed to the important things. Unfortunately, we've been tossing around the idea of trying some regular milk again...we'd been giving lactose-free an audition due to extreme diaper "issues" and some vomiting. I wasn't convinced it that was the actual I gave her some milk with her lunch. Yea. Wasted nuggets. That's a travesty. Good news: she politely did the deed into her CFA bag...and waffle fries were an immediate post-puke response. Atta girl.  Of course, I wouldn't want to make her sick or anything so I didn't give her any of my peach shake...because I care. I'm sweet like that. 

Since we ate lunch at the time the twins are usually waking up from their nap, we actually went to the truck, turned on the air, and closed our eyes. It was blissful. By the time we woke up and got back into the mall, it was almost time for the rest of the family to get there. I'm so glad that we were all able to spend that family time together...all but Bryce, who was away at the 6th grade campout. Lame. :) You all know how I feel about camping. Since we were alone though, while we waited for them to arrive, I thought it'd be a great time to give the carousel a try. She picked a bunny...which just irritated me to no end, of course...get on a horse, for Pete's sake!!! Bunny?!? C'mon. Seriously. Ugh. But you'd all be proud of me..." can ride the bunny..." What was I saying?!? "Ride the bunny?!?" It's just wrong. Who's making these things these days?!?! Ah well...I acted like I don't struggle with OCD every second of my life and left her on the bunny...that was pink...with a saddle...sigh. Right now, all you laid back whacko parents are thinking, "Seriously?!?" I kid you not, this was a big step. In the past, the poor child would've gotten a lecture about how the history of the merry-go-round wouldn't jive with a saddled pink bunny. I simply compensated by taking a close-up picture...wouldn't want that picture to come back to haunt her if she turns out like her mother. She loved the ride...I loved watched her loving life...and struggled to retain my denial about what would happen the following day. 

We had a great dinner at Texas Roadhouse...which basically served to un-do all the table manners I'd introduced since I became their mother...but it was great. Zoe had her first lemonade...big hit. We hit the hotel and got the little ones settled with a bath and bed. Then the big kids and I went back to the mall to do some brief shopping. 

The plan was made for the girls and I to go bright and early to the hospital with Zoe, and the boys would remain at the hotel with Zane in order to gain some extra rest. We should've just stayed up all least I should've. Sleep eluded me continually...the best I hoped for was rest. 5 am came quickly...very quickly. 

It really was a sweet time with the girls and I as we waited to be called back...I did get some quick pics, but will have to show them later...once they downloaded on the computer. Peyton and Zoe played store, and we watched Mickey Mouse...always a winner. We got in matching "jammies" and finally headed to the OR around 7 am.

I will share about day 1 of surgery next time...lots of up's and down's...heavy moments... and even some great moments of laughter with family and friends. I'm reminded continually of the amazing grace of our compassionate Father who's known Zoe's name since the beginning of time and has allowed us to take this journey together. May we be forever changed to look more like His Son because of it.

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Another One Bites the Dust. Tonsils. It's Just Tonsils...For Now

  Welcome back to The Carr Ride. I mentioned the "bumpy roads" when you jumped in so I'm sure none of this will surprise you.....