Monday, July 9, 2018

New Ears, Swimming End, and Old's that for a title?!?

So much for my promises to keep everyone updated on the adventures of Zane and his old mother...good intentions with no follow-through. Story of my life.

This may sound silly, but I realized I've avoided "The Carr Ride" because the last time I was actively sharing this journey with you all, I was also praying fervently for God's healing power for our sweet Zoe. That's an odd connection in my mind, but most things going on in there are odd so...moving on...

I will spare you the Eva updates for now...the good news is that we found some temporary solutions that are allowing me to, at the least, avoid surgery for the time being. Bonus.

Since we last had a good chat, we were trying to decide what direction to go with Zane's ear. We had the distraction surgery in April, removing the titanium plate and screws. The process worked well, and we got 15 mm of new bone growth on the right side. Actually worked so well, they couldn't reach the upper screw through the primary incision...ended up having to go through Zane's cheek to remove the screw. Scar number case you're counting. Next jaw surgery won't be until he's an adult...if at all. There's a small chance that the bone will continue to grow on it's own, now that it's been spurred to do so. (Texas analogy for the win.) It's not likely, but that would be an awesome side effect of the awful cranking process he endured this past year.

In meeting with Dr. Owens this past spring, Chris and I decided to go with the MedPor plan. We went in leaning toward the prosthetic ear but quickly changed our mind. He said Zane would have to have a new one created annually...just due to wear and tear...would not retain it's coloring or be able to look good over time. An annual redo didn't sound like a good longterm plan.

When he began to describe the rib graft surgeries, Chris stopped him mid-sentence as the reality of losing 3 ribs and gaining a chest-wall deformity, in exchange for the ear, was absolutely not an option in our book.

SO...MedPor it is...and that's what happening as we speak. You heard me. We are currently on hour 2 of the 13 hour procedure.


Some of you may have seen small updates via good ol' FB, but you may not know the gist of what's happening...which is just CRAZY given the fact that I'm such a great communicator. :/ For those of you that fall into that category, here's the basic run-down:

Zane got a sweet new haircut (thanks Cori!) in preparation for his new look. Regardless, Dr. Owen and company will shave the right side of his head and make an incision in the top layers of skin. (remember we dumb things down for Eva around here) They've created an ear from a polyethylene mold. It has small holes all over in which they will weave the blood vessels through. They will remove the nub, using it for more cartilage and also to create the ear lobe. Once in place, they will cover the ear with skin grafts from various areas on Zane. Matching his skin tones will be pretty tricky, given his ethnicity...even more dicey, given his extreme tan after swimming non-stop the past couple weeks. When I jokingly asked if it would look like a patchwork quilt, the doc said, "Yea...that's basically right." Ummm...ok then. Not so funny anymore.

Also, the inner ear surgeon, Dr. Hanson, will also go in mid-way through the surgery to clear out debris and scar tissue to see if that miracle of an ear canal is actually connected to the ear drum. Again I'll say, wouldn't it be incredible if he ended up being able to hear from the new ear?!? It's not likely, but God has done amazing things in the lives of our 2 China babies. You just never know...

That's the basic gist of what's happening. The surgery is scheduled for 13 hours so we're in for the long haul...taking turns running around town to keep us sane. Zane is pretty excited yet still obviously nervous. In his words, he's "50/50."

Dr. Owens explained that there will be a pink mold stitched to the scalp that will cover the ear completely, giving it time to heal. We won't see the new ear for 10, no...I will not be sharing pics anytime soon. Give it a rest. Also, no...I didn't tell Zane it was going to be pink. There's only so much drama I can deal it on any given day...that would've pushed me over the limit. Mother of the year...whatever man.

His biggest concern last night...besides not getting food this morning...was that people wouldn't recognize him in China when he goes back one day..."they just remember my nub!" :( I assured him that people don't even think about the nub most of the time...we just love his fun personality and his sweet spirit! That's what will last forever in memories of Zane...not some misshapen cartilage and skin tissue.

Zane sincerely loves and appreciates all your prayers and well wishes. He made me read every one to him last night and proudly told his Baba just how many people were praying for him today. :) We're gonna let the boasting slide this time.

Please continue to pray for little this effectively ends his summertime activities of swimming and hard-core outdoor playtime. Pray for quick and effective healing. Pray that we won't have any rejection of the new ear, as the mold could potentially "pop through" the skin. an understatement. Pray for our family that we will be patient and kind as we cater to our little patient.

And if you are so inclined, please continue to pray for this weak momma...who still struggles with the loss of our sweet Zoe. It's not abnormal...I'm aware...but it still knocks the wind right out of me. Maybe there will be more of sharing that struggle some day, but today is about Zane.

He knows he is deeply loved. He knows God is the one who ultimately cares for him. He longs to belong, and he loves his tribe. The cool thing about Zane Christopher "Jai Hai" Carr is that if you've ever even smiled his way, you're in that tribe. He welcomes everyone, without exception. Another thing I admire about this strong little man. If anyone can endure this challenge, it's Zane.


  1. Love this report Zane is such a sweet boy. Prayers for all of you

  2. Praying for ALL involved...from mama's heart , to Doctors' wisdom, to daddy's worries, to siblings' concerns, and ultimately Zane's healing. God is good. And Amazing...even in the little nub. ;) Much love friends. Keep us posted! <3 Sam'

  3. Tuesday morning, 5am - anxiously awaiting an update as we pray!! :-)


Another One Bites the Dust. Tonsils. It's Just Tonsils...For Now

  Welcome back to The Carr Ride. I mentioned the "bumpy roads" when you jumped in so I'm sure none of this will surprise you.....